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Painting by Harry Anderson,© Review and Herald |
Fundamental Belief #11--Growing in Christ
By His death on the cross Jesus triumphed over the forces of evil. He who subjugated the demonic spirits during His earthly ministry has broken their power and made certain their ultimate doom. Jesus' victory gives us victory over the evil forces that still seek to control us, as we walk with Him in peace, joy, and assurance of His love. Now the Holy Spirit dwells within us and empowers us. Continually committed to Jesus as our Saviour and Lord, we are set free from the burden of our past deeds. No longer do we live in the darkness, fear of evil powers, ignorance, and meaninglessness of our former way of life. In this new freedom in Jesus, we are called to grow into the likeness of His character, communing with Him daily in prayer, feeding on His Word, meditating on it and on His providence, singing His praises, gathering together for worship, and participating in the mission of the Church. As we give ourselves in loving service to those around us and in witnessing to His salvation, His constant presence with us through the Spirit transforms every moment and every task into a spiritual experience. (Read verses here. Ps 1:1, 2; 23:4; 77:11, 12; Col 1:13, 14; 2:6, 14, 15; Luke 10:17-20; Eph 5:19, 20; 6:12-18; 1 Thess 5:23; 2 Peter 2:9; 3:18; 2 Cor. 3:17, 18; Phil 3:7-14; 1 Thess 5:16-18; Matt 20:25-28; John 20:21; Gal 5:22-25; Rom 8:38, 39; 1 John 4:4; Heb 10:25.)
The Story:
Have several plants prepared for this story. An African Violet is a good plant for this story as it is easily divided for the illustration. Plant food and water should also be part of your illustration. As you tell or read the story use the plants to show the children what Janie and Thomas' plants looked like at each stage of growth.
Cut two leaves from an African Violet plant and place in the soil. The little plants will stay fresh for your story and if you leave them in the soil they will eventually take root and you will have two new plants. But for the story the leaves in the soil will give the children a good visual.
Prepare two more separate pots. In one pot place a normal size leaf and find a tiny leaf and place that next to the larger leaf. In the second pot place a withered leaf. To wither the leaf place it in the microwave for 10 seconds. That will instantly give you a droopy leaf.
Show a fully grown plant. If possible it would be nice to have one with flowers. Mine has not flowered yet but it is healthy and lush.
The Little Gardeners
“Mommy, may I have a plant to take care of?” asked Janie.
“Of course,” replied Mommy. “Would you like a plant of your own, too?” she asked Thomas who was watching with his sister.
“Yes,” replied Thomas. “But I don’t know how to take care of a plant.”
Mommy assured Thomas she would help him and show him what to do. So, with Mommy’s help, both children filled a little container with potting soil. Then Mommy carefully cut off two healthy looking leaves from her plant for the children. She showed them how to make a little hole in the dirt with their finger and tuck the stem into the dirt and gently pack the dirt around the stem. Next they watered the baby plants and placed them in a sunny area where the light could reach them but not shine directly on the delicate leaves. Next she showed them a bottle of plant food and explained how to use it when watering the plants. Both children were quite pleased to have their own little plant.
Every day Janie looked at her plant to make sure the soil wasn't dry and watered it carefully with the plant food just as Mommy had showed her. Her little plant looked green and healthy. As the days and weeks went by she faithfully kept watch over the plant. One day as she did her daily inspection she noticed a tiny new green leaf pushing up through the soil next to the original leaf she had planted.
"Mommy, mommy, come quick." Janie called out, "See my plant. It has a baby!"
Mommy came running to see what all the commotion was about and sure enough, there next to the big leaf was a tiny green leaf emerging from the soil.
"Your plant is growing because you watered and fed it. You'll soon see more leaves pushing through the dirt until you have a lovely new plant," said Mommy to the very pleased Janie.
Thomas had heard his sister's shouts of delight and had come running to see her plant. He had a strange look on his face as he looked at Janie's plant. How come his didn't look like that, he wondered. Mother caught sight of Thomas' face and guessed all was not well with his plant.
"Thomas, would you like to show me your plant?" asked Mommy.
Thomas slowly walked to his room with Mom following close behind. Thomas' plant didn't look healthy. It looked dead. The leaf hung loosely over the container and was limp and lifeless.
"Thomas, did you forget to water your plant?" asked Mom.
"I watered it a couple of weeks ago," said Thomas.
"Did you feed it like I showed you?" asked Mommy.
"No, I forgot so I poured some into the dirt," Thomas confessed.
"Well, Thomas, I believe your plant is dead," said Mommy. I don't think there's any hope for it now. You didn't take care of your plant so it could not grow strong and healthy."
Thomas nodded his head in resignation. He decided he wasn't a very good gardener. Mom gave him a hug and told him he could start over again if he wished.
Janie continued to care for her plant and several months later she was rewarded with many new leaves. The plant had grown so much it needed to be transplanted to a larger pot. Janie enjoyed her plant for many years and was able to help Thomas grow a new one as well.
Boys and girls Christians are a little like a plant. When we first give our hearts to Jesus we become one of his children. We are like a little leaf starting to grow. That little leaf needs water, sunshine, good soil and plant food. Christians need "food" also. But I'm not talking about potatoes or peas or roast. I'm talking about things that help us grow more and more like Jesus.
What would happen, if after we gave our hearts to Jesus, we said, "Well, now I'm a Christian I don't have to do anything else. I love Jesus and Jesus loves me. That's all there is to being a Christian." So we never come to church again. We never read our Bibles or pray or sing a hymn or Sabbath School song. We don't do anything to help others or tell anyone about Jesus. We don't even think about Jesus any more. Do you think we would grow more like Jesus or would we start to forget all about our new life? I think we would soon be like Thomas' plant--limp and lifeless--no longer a happy Christian. We would soon forget all about Jesus.
When we give our hearts to Jesus there are some things we can do to grow like Jesus. We want to keep close to Him everyday and become strong and healthy Christians. We can start our day with prayer and reading our Bibles. This is just like talking to Jesus. We can sing songs about Jesus and what He has done for us. We can come to church to worship and fellowship with other Christians. Just being together, worshipping and talking about Jesus, will help us grow. With the Holy Spirit's help we will start to put others first and try to help them. That's like growing new leaves. Instead of staying a "baby" Christian we will be a "growing" Christian learning each day how to be like Jesus.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for saving each one of us. We want to grow into strong, healthy Christians and do Your work. Send the Holy Spirit to guide us in our lives. Amen.
The Bible Verse:
Grow in the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Get to know him better. Give him glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18 (NIRV)
Grow, Grow, Grow
Read your Bible, pray every day,
Pray every day, pray every day.
Read your Bible, pray every day,
And you’ll grow, grow, grow.
And you’ll grow, grow, grow.
And you’ll grow, grow, grow.
Read your Bible, pray everyday,
And you’ll grow, grow, grow.
~Music by Harry D. Clarke; Words: Unknown Author
Music same as I Will Make You Fishers of Men.
The Colouring Sheet:
Picture credits:
Singing: http://www.sermons4kids.com/true-worship-esp.gif
Sabbath School: http://www.raisingourkids.com/coloring-pages/printable/bible/018-free-bible-pages-to-print.html
Flowers: http://childrenschapel.org/biblestories/graphics/2peter318.jpg
Prayer: http://www.teachustopray.com/img/prayebookth1.jpg
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